Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Iraq Attack Ad- The Soldiers of '08?

Junior High age kids playing organized baseball on a field. Let's dress them in Cubs uniforms.

Voiceover: In 2003 President George W. Bush made a choice to send our sons and daughters into a war in a foreign land thousands of miles away, unleashing the hatred of thousands of extremists who now feel justified and heroic blowing themselves up just to kill us.

Backdrop blends into horrific scenes from Iraq.

Voiceover: In 2008, these boys will turn 18.

Go Ahead, Give it a Try. You know you can!!!


At 9:30 AM, Blogger jamessmckay said...


Indeed I am a lawyer but there's a whole lot of distance between defending murder cases and intellectual property law. I don't see the MoveOn creative commons disclosures on their site. Perhaps you could direct my attention to the proper location.

Thanks for you interest and for raising a good point.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger jamessmckay said...

I now have a Creative Commons license (see top of page)to allow everyone to share and build on these ideas and put them to use.

At 12:53 PM, Blogger James W. Pharo said...

FYI: I AM an intellectual property lawyer (by day, any way), specializing in the advertising industry. The copyright issues here are trivially easy to deal with, in terms of putting a script out there to attract funding.

Feel free to e-mail me if you need actual help on this front.

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