ATTACK AD- Martin's Dream
Footage of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. proclaiming "I have a dream.."
Cut to bombs going off on urban streets of Iraq. Frightened Iraqis running towards the camera.
Back to MLK, "I have a dream..."
Back to Iraqis. Headline Superimposed: "WMD search abandoned. No weapons found."
Back to MLK, "I have a dream..."
Cut to Tsunami footage, people fleeing the wave as it washes into their streets.Headline superimposed, "US Criticized for being 'stingy' on Tsunami aid."
Back to MLK,"I have a dream..."
Fade to black.
Attack Ad of the Day
In Search of a Democratic Karl Rove...
Try your hand at creating a forceful Democratic message. You KNOW we need it!!!
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Monday, January 17, 2005

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