Social Security Attack Ads
Average Guy (not a redneck, just a decent looking middle-class guy)sitting on his couch watching a TV. Kids running in and out of the house.
Wife calls out from the kitchen: "Honey, the privatized Social Security account is due."
Husband: "Gee, Honey, I just don't know whether we should go for the hedge funds or the junk bonds this time. What do you think?"
Wife: "Oh, I don't know hon. Maybe we should call the family stockbroker."
Husband looks into camera dumbfounded: "Uh, family stockbroker?"
CAPTION ACROSS SCREEN: Privatizing Social Security is for People Who Don't Need It. Count on the party that created it to save it. THE DEMOCRATS
Go Ahead, give it a try-Add yours in the Comments Section...
Attack Ad of the Day
In Search of a Democratic Karl Rove...
Try your hand at creating a forceful Democratic message. You KNOW we need it!!!
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Friday, January 28, 2005

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Perfect! The only thing you got to do is instead of say "The Democrats" say "The Democratic Party." It sounds crazy but polls have proven that people like the sound of "democratic" more than "democrat." In fact if you look at Bush's speeches you can see he uses the word "democrat" rather than "democratic." I guess the logic behind it is that "democratic" conjurs up the image of the people ruling and a fair government. "Democrat" reminds you of abortions and gay marriage.
I've heard this and there may be something to it, although I'm guessing it may be one of those things that's okay for us to say, but not okay for them to say. Hmmm....
OK, here's my attack ad of the day.
We open on a beautiful shot of an attractive older woman, probably close to 80. She's sitting in her lovely garden, on a lush spring day.
Grandma: Of course I remember! How could I forget. My parents, they worked so hard, and scrimped, and just tried to scrimp and save and put a little bit aside. But then, almost over night -- nothing. They lost everything. Wiped out.
We cut and see that she is talking with her 20 something granddaughter, who's holding a baby.
AVO: The Democrats created Social Security to ensure every worker would have a secure future no matter if they were winners or losers in the stock market.
We're cutting to the face of the granddaughter, and then the baby.
Grandma: I think it's crazy to take that away. Why would Bush want to jeopardize something we've worked so hard for?
Shot goes blurry. Title card comes up "Tell President Bush not to gamble with your future," with a URL, "Save Social" and an 800 number, "800-SAVE-SOC"
AVO: Tell President Bush that our future is too improtant to gamble [play games] with.
That's it. I'd put it on the air tomorrow. We have got to start an emotional conversation with our fellow Americans.
Wow! Easy to find helpful information. Congratulations!
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spaghetti alla carbonara
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
wrP9mt You have a talant! Write more!
43eFDA Thanks to author.
ePSaoG The best blog you have!
hEGhex Thanks to author.
Nice Article.
Hello all!
Nice Article.
Good job!
Good job!
Ta5AIN write more, thanks.
Thanks to author.
Nice Article.
Hello all!
Nice Article.
Wonderful blog.
Wonderful blog.
Hello all!
Please write anything else!
Thanks to author.
Nice Article.
Thanks to author.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
Please write anything else!
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Nice Article.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
Hello all!
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
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Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
Hello all!
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Please write anything else!
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
C++ should have been called B
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Save the whales, collect the whole set
Thanks to author.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Please write anything else!
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
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