ATTACK AD OF THE DAY- Bush's SS "Expert"
Fade into footage of Bush at a privatize SS rally smiling and yucking it up as he introduces Noah McCullough, his 9 year old SS expert.
VOICEOVER: You know, the President wants you to take the word of a child when it comes to privatizing Social Security. Now we admit, he's pretty impressive, but we thought you might want to hear from someone else..."
Fade into headshot of an wise looking articulate elderly man looking into the camera..."When I was nine my dad lost everything we had in the stock market crash that started the great depression. We had to live off friends and family. It was humiliating. My Social Security check makes sure that no matter what happens, I'll be able to keep my basic human dignity. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to appreciate what you've got."
Fade to still-frame close-up of Noah McCullough.
Fade to black with Caption: "Call your Senators and Congressperson today and ask them to oppose the President's reckless scheme to privatize Social Security."
Attack Ad of the Day
In Search of a Democratic Karl Rove...
Try your hand at creating a forceful Democratic message. You KNOW we need it!!!
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Monday, March 14, 2005

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Great ad! someone should make this one, it's a great comeback to that little twerp trying to talk about SS like he really understood what it means! and the kid, too!
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First off I would like to say how I can not even attempt to understand how you disgusting pigs can be happy about making fun of a kid who was 9 years old. I go to Noah's school and he is 13 years old now. You know what I like about him though, he does not stoop to your level of stupidity by hurling insults at the many people who have dissed him for trying to fix the social security system. Your ad doesn't even make sense, Noah was not and is not trying to ruin social security. He is making sure that you, your children, their children, and the generations after them will be able to take satisfaction in the social security system, which they would NOT receive if the plan is not changed. I am thirteen years old and I just want people to understand how idiotic this blogger and the commenters are!
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