ATTACK AD OF THE DAY- Bush's SS "Expert"
Fade into footage of Bush at a privatize SS rally smiling and yucking it up as he introduces Noah McCullough, his 9 year old SS expert.
VOICEOVER: You know, the President wants you to take the word of a child when it comes to privatizing Social Security. Now we admit, he's pretty impressive, but we thought you might want to hear from someone else..."
Fade into headshot of an wise looking articulate elderly man looking into the camera..."When I was nine my dad lost everything we had in the stock market crash that started the great depression. We had to live off friends and family. It was humiliating. My Social Security check makes sure that no matter what happens, I'll be able to keep my basic human dignity. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to appreciate what you've got."
Fade to still-frame close-up of Noah McCullough.
Fade to black with Caption: "Call your Senators and Congressperson today and ask them to oppose the President's reckless scheme to privatize Social Security."
Attack Ad of the Day
In Search of a Democratic Karl Rove...
Try your hand at creating a forceful Democratic message. You KNOW we need it!!!
For published op-eds and other writings, see my other blog at
Monday, March 14, 2005
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
ATTACK AD- BUSH'S "Expert" #2
Fade into footage of Bush at a privatize SS rally smiling and yucking it up as he introduces Noah McCullough, his 9 year old SS expert.
VOICEOVER: You know, the President wants you to take the word of a child when it comes to privatizing Social Security. Now we admit, he's pretty impressive, but we thought you might want to hear from someone else..."
Fade into headshot of a nobel prize winning economist (gimme a name Readers) looking into the camera...
"The truth is, this President is damaging Social Security by breaking open Bill Clinton's lock box and using your money to pay for his tax cuts for the wealthy. Privatizing Social Security addresses a crisis that doesn't exist, and in doing it takes the 'security' out of Social Security. Don't buy into this effort to break the promise that each generation of Americans has kept to its children and grandparents for over 60 years."
Fade to black with Caption: "Call your Senators and Congressperson today and ask them to oppose the President's reckless scheme to privatize Social Security."
Monday, March 07, 2005
Here's the best Attack Ad I've seen in Ages!!!
The UCC's response to the Sponge Bob controversy!
Check out the whole tableau at
Sunday, March 06, 2005
"Fuzzy Math" by The Bots, The World's First Virtual Band.
This animation hilariously destroys Bush and deserves a lot more attention than Jib Jab.
I'm giving it the ATTACK AD OF THE DAY GUARANTEE: If there's anything on this site you like, you'll love this!!!!
Saturday, March 05, 2005
NEW dKos Diary by jsmckay.
LOOK OUT - WE'RE BEING FRAMED - It's About Propaganda, Not Gannon's Sex Life.
Check it out, you'll like it (or at least find it interesting).
Just posted 2/28/05, 11:15 p.m.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Attack Ad - Bush's Media - "Gannon"
Film Clip from 2000: Bush Giving a Speech, "I'll bring integrity back to the White House."
Fade to recent video of "Gannon" smugly saying to Bush, ""Harry Reid was talking about soup lines.'"
Cut to Newspaper Headline: "Gannon" a fraud, exposed as front for GOP"
Fade to Armstrong Williams talking on Fox.
Superimposed headline: "Williams paid $241, 000 to support White House programs"
Fade to black with caption: "With integrity like this, who needs scandal?"
Next Caption: "Clean Up Washington. Vote Democratic."

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